Evolution Bipod - EvoPod
Evolution Bipod - EvoPod
Evolution Bipod - aka the EvoPod
•Standard Leg Variant - 10"-14" Height Measurement Based on Average rifle, from ground level to the center of the bore.
•Short Leg Variant - 8"-11" Height Measurement Based on Average rifle, from ground level to the center of the bore. This has been the most popular height in our experience.
•4" Height with legs at 45 degrees
•Non rotational legs, and pivots. All aspects of the leg assemblies will be non rotational.
•Receptacles on the bottom of all legs that accept QD spikes and allow stacking of legs. This really opens up options for leg lengths and accessories.
•Refined main body with ability to attach a picatinny rail on the bottom. As well as a flush cup for QD slings etc.
•Removable Legs
•Weighs 14 oz.
•Locking Quick Detach Attachment
•20 Degree Pivoting Head with lever lock
•leg Positions 0,45,90, and 125 degrees - basically straight forward, 45 degrees forward or rearward, and directly straight down
•Light Carbon Fiber Legs and Accessories
•Spring Loaded Extending Legs
•Legs can have optional spiked feet attached to them
•The Evopod can have the legs removed and have the optional spiked feet directly attached to the Evopod body to create a mini bipod. Which works very well shooting off many barricades and as low to the ground as possible.
(Patent Pending)