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Magnetospeed V3 Chronograph


Magnetospeed V3 Chronograph

Magnetospeed V3 Chronograph


The MagnetoSpeed V3 ballistic chronograph kit was designed to be used on barrels and suppressors from 1/2 inch all the way up to 2 inches in diameter. In addition to the larger diameter tolerance, the V3 also has one inch more clearance in the blast zone to account for longer (up to 3" in most cases) muzzle brakes, flash hiders, etc.


Kit includes:

  • Display Unit
  • Retractable  connection cable
  • Standard 6ft connection cable
  • Stainless steel blast shield
  • Thick and thin rubber V-block spacers
  • microSD card with adapter
  • Bayonet sensor
  • Polymer spacer kit with screw hardware and allen wrench
  • Heavy duty strap with thumb nut tightener
  • Hard case with custom cut foam 
  • Alignment rod
  • Instructions
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