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--1 in 7" twist improved polygonal rifling with 5.56 Noveske Match Chamber
--Extended feed ramps
--Bead blasted finish
--Gas tube
--Pinned Low Profile Gas Block, .750
--1/2x28 threads
--Medium Contour
Barrel Length Specifics - 16"
Gas System - Mid Length
Weight - 35 oz
The barrel ships with gas block. This barrel is designed for our gas block that is 1" long (INCLUDED). A standard front sight base is 1.9" long and WILL NOT FIT. Barrel installation should be performed by a qualified gunsmith. Installation of the gas block dowel pin and gas block is required to complete the assembly process.
All NFA Regulations apply. Please check your local and state laws before ordering.
Contact your local ATF Field Office with any NFA questions you may have.