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Desert Tech Bolt Stop (short action and HTI)

Desert Tech

Desert Tech Bolt Stop (short action and HTI)

DT SRS Bolt Stop SA.png
DT HTI Bolt Stop 375 CT.jpeg
DT SRS Bolt Stop SA.png
DT HTI Bolt Stop 375 CT.jpeg

Desert Tech Bolt Stop (short action and HTI)

from $27.50

The Desert Tech Bolt Stop was designed to shorten bolt travel when cycling the action. There are two versions of the bolt stop. The SRS bolt stop is for short action calibers like .308 WIN, 6.5 Creedmoor, .260 Remington, and similar short action calibers.

The HTI bolt stop is for the .375 and .408 Cheytac. These bolt stops are chassis specific. The SRS Bolt Stop works with all version of the SRS chassis to include the Gen 1, Gen 2, SRS-A1, and SRS-A2. The HTI Bolt Stop only works in the HTI chassis


Weight: 0.10 lbs SRS / 0.14 lbs HTI 

Length: 1”  SRS /   1.20” HTI


Chassis Compatibility:
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