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Desert Tech

Left Hand Desert Tech Factory SRS-A1 Conversion Kits

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Left Hand Desert Tech Factory SRS-A1 Conversion Kits

from $1,568.00

The SRS is quickly convertible between the following 7 calibers: 6.5 Creedmoor, 7.5x47 Lapua, .308 WIN, .260 Rem .300 WIN MAG, .7mm WSM, and .338 LM. The caliber conversion and return to zero is simple and takes less than 60 seconds.

All Conversions Listed here are SRS-A2. They have the Gen 2 barrel extension mounted which are comparable with SRS gen 2, SRS-A1, and the current revision SRS-A2.  SRS Gen 1 barrel extensions are available for custom orders.  Please contact us if you would like a Gen 1 barrel extension on your barrel.  Bolt and magazines will be the current SRS-A2 revision but will work with the Gen 1 barrel extension.

1. Shooters can change rifle length, penetration, and distance capabilities.
2. Shooters can use various ammo calibers and types depending on situational need.
3. Shooters can progressively train on more powerful ammo without having to purchase another complete rifle setup. 
4. Reduced training costs (train and practice with .308 WIN) 
5. Reduced system down-times by allowing the shooter to replace their own barrels without having to send them in to a gunsmith.

Price is for the Conversion Kit only. The Conversion kit includes one barrel, one bolt, one bolt stop only included with short action calibers, and one magazine. Rifle Chassis' are sold separately.


Caliber Options For Right Hand Chassis
.308 Winchester
6.5 Creedmoor
.300 Remington Ultra Magnum
.300 Winchester Magnum
.338 Lapua Magnum

Weight -

.308 Win 22": 5.21 lb (2.36 kg)
.308 Win 26": 5.71 lb (2.59 kg)
6.5 Creedmoor 24”: 5.86 lb (2.65 kg) Hunter Profile
6.5 Creedmoor 26”: 5.82 lb (2.63 kg)
.300 RUM 26”: 5.68 lb (2.57 kg) Hunter Profile
.300 Win Mag 26”: 5.64 lb (2.55 kg)
.338 LM 26”: 5.66 lb (2.56 kg)

Barrel Length -

.308 Win: 22" (55.88 cm)
.308 Win: 26" (66.04 cm)
6.5 Creedmoor: 24" (66 cm) Hunter Profile
6.5 Creedmoor: 26" (66 cm)
.300 Rum: 26" (66.04 cm) Hunter Profile
.300 Win Mag: 26" (66.04 cm)
.338 LM: 26" (66.04 cm)

Rate of Twist -

.308 Win 22”: 1 in 11"
.308 Win 26”: 1 in 11"
6.5 Creedmoor 24”: 1 in 8" Hunter Profile
6.5 Creedmoor 26”: 1 in 8"
.300 RUM 26”: 1 in 10"
.300 Win Mag 26”: 1 in 10"
.338 LM 26”: 1 in 10"

Kit Price MSRP -

.308 Win 22”: $1,600.00
.308 Win 26”: $1,600.00
6.5 Creedmoor 24”: $1,600.00
6.5 Creedmoor 26”: $1,600.00
.300 Win Mag 26”: $1,800.00
.300 RUM 26”: $1,800.00
.338 LM 26”: $1,950.00

Compatible With - DT SRS Rifle Chassis and DT SRS Covert Rifle Chassis

Finish - Cerakote Armor Black

Barrel Length:
Right or Left Handed:
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