Accurate Magazine - 10 rd .308 Winchester / 7.62 x 51 mm Box Magazine
Accurate Magazine - 10 rd .308 Winchester / 7.62 x 51 mm Box Magazine
The .308/7.62 x 51 mm AM Box magazine has been the choice for many OEM rifle manufacturers such as Remington Arms, Savage Arms, McMillan Rifles, and several others, as well as operators and practical shooters all around the world. We are committed to making the best .308 magazine that money can buy. The entire 308 family of cartridges can be used with this magazine including .243Win, .260 Rem and 22-250.
These magazines do not have a binder plate to allow for increased cartridge overall length.
*The magazines with no front blinder plate allows for extended length cartridges and feature a MAX OAL of 2.950.