Rifle Actions - Receivers
We carry various bolt action and semi automatic receivers, along with barrels, prefit barrels, chassis, and most items you would need to build your precision rifle. Rifle actions and receivers are federally regulated items and can only be shipped to dealers holding an FFL.
American Rifle Company - Mausingfield
American Rifle Company - Mausingfield
- Proudly engineered and manufactured in the USA
- Interchangeable bolt heads support multi-caliber rifles
- Toroidal bolt lugs do not require lapping
- Battle-proven Mauser 98 claw extractor
- Battle-proven M1903 Springfield inertial ejector
- Secure and interchangeable interlocking rail interface
- Ergonomically designed bolt knob
- Compatible with Alpha and Accuracy International CS magazines
- Compatible with Savage barrels and locknuts
- Compatible with Rem 700 triggers, trigger guards, chassis1, and stocks2
- Integral recoil lug
- Aerospace grade materials used throughout
Action Length:
Bolt Face:
Scope Rail Inclination: