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MPA Competition Chassis

Rifle Chassis

MPA Competition Chassis

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MPA Competition Chassis

Sale Price:$919.00 Original Price:$940.00


MPA BA Competition Chassis (Official Chassis of the 2017 PRS)

This is the competition version of our highly successful BA Chassis System.

The BA Competition Chassis is designed to give shooters a competitive advantage when shooting in long range tactical rifle competitions, such as the PRS. In addition to our standard chassis features (listed below), it has been enhanced with the following:

  • Rotating Barricade Stop – locks the rifle in place when shooting on a variety of barricade designed stages

  • Additional Hole locations on the forend for locating the rotating barricade stop

  • Spigot Mount – attaches to the front of the forend to give the shooter additional space to mount their bipod

  • Modified mag well – the mag well is cut away on one side to allow side loading of a magazine into the chassis. This is known as the “Ryan Castle” magwell cut. (Tikka Inlets will not have this feature).

  • Elimination of the Monopod system to reduce overall chassis weight

  • Bag Rider attachment for better rear bag recoil management (Enhanced Bag Rider available for an additional fee)

Standard Features

  • Machined from 6061 aluminum

  • V-Bedding system

  • MPA buttstock with adjustable cheek riser and length of pull

  • EVG (Enhanced Vertical Grip)

  • Front night vision bridge

  • Lower Picatinny rail

  • Multiple QD sling swivel locations

  • User located side rails (option)

  • Durable Cerakote finish in a variety of Colors

  • Unique pocketing system reduces weight and increases structural integrity of the chassis

  • Adjustable length of pull 13.75-14.75″ (can be reduced to 12.5″ upon request. Additional fee may apply)

  • Recoil pad is adjustable for height and cant

  • Adjustable cheek riser

  • Inclinometer leveling system

  • Machined thumb notch

  • Chassis take any AICS type magazines (Mag not included).

  • 5.2 lbs

This unique chassis system provides a super precision platform for the Remington 700 Short and Long, Savage and Howa Short or Long Actions, Tikka, Badger M2013, Mausingfield, Surgeon, Stillers, Surgeon and many others. New inlets are being added frequently (please contact MPA if you do not see your action listed).

Whether you’re increasing the accuracy capabilities of your existing action, due to the V-Bedding System; adding tactical features to your rifle; or building a precision rifle for long range competitions, our chassis is a platform sure to exceed your expectations.

The V-Bedding system is also configured to allow the user to glass bed the action and straight section of the barrel, if desired.

The chassis is machined on CNC Horizontal Machining Centers to exacting tolerances from 6061 aluminum. The MPA produced buttstock includes an adjustable length of pull, recoil pad with height and cant adjustment, adjustable cheek riser and adjustable monopod (monopod replaced with bag rider on Competition model).

Length of pull is between 13.75-14.75″ although this length can be modified by thinner or thicker recoil pads. Weight is 5.2 lbs. The upper Night Vision bridge provides a seat for a picatinny rail.

We have 8 standard Cerakote colors available: Graphite Black, Flat Dark Earth, Burnt Bronze, Tungsten, Gunmetal, Sniper Green, NRA Blue, and USMC Red (click HERE to see color options).  Custom Cerakote colors are an additional $135 for a solid color – any color from Cerakote’s H Series can be done (click HERE to shop Cerakote’s H Series). Camo patterns are also available HERE for a $450 upcharge.

For Savage Actions, MPA Chassis will accommodate both Top and Bottom Bolt Release configurations.

For Tikka inlets, the competition chassis will not include the Ryan Castle Cut on the side of the mag well. This is due to the reduced length of the tapered section on the chassis fore end that will effect the usage of the barricade stop system.

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