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Rifle Chassis

XLR Element Chassis


XLR Element Chassis

from $595.00

The XLR Element Rifle Chassis are not kept currently in stock and have a lead time of 4 weeks.  

New for 2014 is our Element chassis.  This light weight yet affordable option is machined from solid 6061 T6 aluminum.  The receiver block and forend is one piece allowing utmost strength and simplicity.  The Element can be purchase as a complete chassis or chassis only allowing the user to add the AR15 grip or M4 style butt stock of their choice.  The forend is pre-drilled to accept accessory rails on the sides or bottom of the chassis.  Cooling vents provide uniform cooling for the barrel during long strings of fire.  A multi-point radial cut inlet allows the receiver to sit in the chassis stress free for utmost accuracy (no V-block).   The integrated detachable magazine system allows the use of AICS style detachable magazines.  Chassis does not include a magazine.

Please contact us with any questions you may have

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