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Desert Tech Christmas Rebate


Desert Tech Christmas Rebate

Rob Wilkinson





  • Consumer Rebate for Rifle System & Conversion Kit purchases



  • Product must be purchased between 12-1-14 to 12-24-14



  • Complete Rifle Systems (chassis & conv. Kit) and extra Conversion Kits
  • Desert Tech Stock on hand - No Special Orders  - No Rain Checks



Rebate amount:                                                              Check                      Credit

  • HTI Rifle (Chassis and 1 Conv Kit)                       $300.00                 $345.00
  • SRS A-1 or Covert Rifle (Chassis & 1 Conv Kit)  $250.00                 $287.50
  • SRS or HTI solo Conversion Kit (any caliber)       $100.00                 $115.00

***Example: Purchase HTI Chassis and 2 conv kits = $400.00 rebate Check or $460 Product Credit Rebate.




  • Copy of Complete Original Invoice with serial number must be submitted by end user to Desert Tech by 1-31-15. Any rebates submitted after 1-31-15 will not be eligible for Rebate.
  • Rebate available as a check or as a Product Credit to be used for additional purchases.

***If rebate is used as a product credit; an additional 15% will be added to the rebate total.***Example: $300.00 rebate will be a $345.00 product credit.                  

  • Product Credit Rebate only available for stock on hand.
  • Product Rebate Credit based on List Price, no other discounts apply.
  • Product Credit Rebate must be redeemed by 3-30-15.



  • Rebate only available to end user (non-FFL holder)
  • Eligible items must be purchased from Authorized Desert Tech Dealer or Desert Tech
  • Demo, used, discontinued or discounted items not eligible for rebate.
  • Current Dealer  inventory is eligible for rebate
  • Rebate is not eligible in conjunction with any other promotion, special or discount.
  • Verification of validity from Dealer may be required.
  • Rebates will be processed 4-8 weeks upon expiration of promotion.