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Suppressors - NFA Tax Free?

Rob Wilkinson

This is what many of us have been wanting for years.  The ASA is now trying to make it a reality.  I fully support the Hearing Protection Act, which would remove suppressors (aka Silencers) from the National Firearms Act of 1934.  Purchasers would be required to pass a NICS background check, just as any other individual purchasing firearms from a gun dealer.  

Suppressors are legal in 41 states and are allowed for hunting in 37 states.  Suppressors are a fantastic way to increase hearing protection and to mitigate noise from outdoor shooting ranges near populated areas.

Everyone needs to be ready to contact your elected representatives as this bill begins to move through the legislative process.


Thunder Beast Ultra 7 Suppressor

Rob Wilkinson

I was able to take a couple customers out to demo the new Thunder Beast Ultra 7 suppressor yesterday.  We had the Ultra 7 along with a TBAC 30P-1, TBAC 30BA, and a TBAC 338BA to compare.  As for firearms, we had (3) Desert Tech rifles (in 6x47, .260, and .338 LM) and a TRG in .308.

The three of us and 3 additional bystanders all came to the conclusion that the Ultra 7 was noticeably quieter than the 30P-1 and the 30BA, which is speaking volumes as both of those suppressors suppress very well and have a great tone to them.  The Ultra 7 is two inches shorter than the other 9" long TBAC suppressors and is nearly half the weight.

As of this morning both customers that came to demo the Ultra 7 have placed orders for them and I should note that both of these customers already own 9" long TBAC suppressors.

While we were up there, I was able to get behind a Desert Tech SRS in .338 LM with a 338BA suppressor mounted.  It made me remember how much I loved the .338 LM conversion that I had for my SRS (I sold it last year to a customer when DT products were very hard to come by).  The rifle with the 338BA mounted was a pleasure to shoot, and watching how violently it impacts steel targets at 800 yards, made me think of picking up another .338 LM conversion to use with my 338BA suppressor.


Desert Tech Christmas Rebate

Rob Wilkinson





  • Consumer Rebate for Rifle System & Conversion Kit purchases



  • Product must be purchased between 12-1-14 to 12-24-14



  • Complete Rifle Systems (chassis & conv. Kit) and extra Conversion Kits
  • Desert Tech Stock on hand - No Special Orders  - No Rain Checks



Rebate amount:                                                              Check                      Credit

  • HTI Rifle (Chassis and 1 Conv Kit)                       $300.00                 $345.00
  • SRS A-1 or Covert Rifle (Chassis & 1 Conv Kit)  $250.00                 $287.50
  • SRS or HTI solo Conversion Kit (any caliber)       $100.00                 $115.00

***Example: Purchase HTI Chassis and 2 conv kits = $400.00 rebate Check or $460 Product Credit Rebate.




  • Copy of Complete Original Invoice with serial number must be submitted by end user to Desert Tech by 1-31-15. Any rebates submitted after 1-31-15 will not be eligible for Rebate.
  • Rebate available as a check or as a Product Credit to be used for additional purchases.

***If rebate is used as a product credit; an additional 15% will be added to the rebate total.***Example: $300.00 rebate will be a $345.00 product credit.                  

  • Product Credit Rebate only available for stock on hand.
  • Product Rebate Credit based on List Price, no other discounts apply.
  • Product Credit Rebate must be redeemed by 3-30-15.



  • Rebate only available to end user (non-FFL holder)
  • Eligible items must be purchased from Authorized Desert Tech Dealer or Desert Tech
  • Demo, used, discontinued or discounted items not eligible for rebate.
  • Current Dealer  inventory is eligible for rebate
  • Rebate is not eligible in conjunction with any other promotion, special or discount.
  • Verification of validity from Dealer may be required.
  • Rebates will be processed 4-8 weeks upon expiration of promotion.